notice processing guide

about Notice Processing Guide

Software Used: Google Forms

Not all digital solutions have to be eLearning.

Lombardo and Eichinger (1996) claimed that there is a proportional breakdown of how people learn effectively;

70% from challenging assignments

20% from developmental relationships

10% from coursework and training

While the 70:20:10 model has its critics, most of us will recognised that we learn most about our roles when we are performing them, rather than locked in a training room staring at a PowerPoint presentation.

In recognition of this, I designed the following guide to support front-line customer service agents in assisting customers who has received a Penalty Charge Notice (PCN).

Due to the complex nature of the process a PCN goes through once it is issued, it was common for agents to become confused and provide incorrect information to customers.

This tool was designed to provide a learning solution in the flow of work that would reduce time spent in the training room and the need for agents to memorise the process before beginning their role, whilst reducing interruptions to colleagues and line managers.

Experience the demo now!